Explore the History of Stark Caverns

The great thing about caves is that every single one is unique. Beautiful underground worlds created by water & time. Stark Caverns not only boasts a variety of amazing formations but also provides a journey through the history of Missouri.
Opened as a show cave on May 11, 1950, tour guides have been educating guests on the uses of the cave for decades. Late Woodland period Native Americans used the cave for shelter, leaving behind bone fragments, arrowheads, and fire rings.
Purchased by the Stark family in the 1800s, the cave has served as everything from a cattle barn to a skating rink. The perfect place to store produce during the long winters and to keep cool while performing regular chores like churning or spinning in the summer.
Bear beds are still visible throughout the cave, along with signatures and antique equipment left behind by early explorers. Moonshiners found the crystal clear water perfect for producing shine, and the many crevices and passageways even better for hiding from the revenuers.
Today, visitors are able to see a variety of formations from soda straws, to stromatolite, stalagmites, and stalactites. Guests are surprised to find that they are going uphill as they visit all four levels of Stark Caverns, enjoying highlights like the Wishing Well, the Dragon’s Nest, and the Grand Canyon.
Paved pathways make the tour 85% wheelchair accessible, with resting areas for those that choose not to scale the stairs to the final level. Open year-round, except on Thanksgiving and Christmas, Stark Caverns offers plenty of opportunities to visit whether you live at the Lake or are just visiting.
During the winter months, tours are still given daily and tour times and tickets are available online at www.starkcaverns.com or at the door. Reservations are not required, but it is recommended that groups of 10 or more call ahead to take advantage of our group rates. There are also discounts for seniors and military personnel.
Located just seven miles north of Bagnell Dam, outside of Eldon, MO, we invite you to come and #ExploreStarkCaverns at #LakeOfTheOzarks!


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