Discover What’s Hidden Inside The Rocks

Geodes are like nature’s own Easter eggs. Often spherical in shape, their tough outer layer hides a beautiful lining of minerals that vary in size and color.

Formed by a number of different methods, they are most often found in specific geological areas, including volcanic and sedimentary deposits. Popular not just among geologists and rock hunters, people from all walks of life are intrigued to discover what lies inside a geode.

To discover the hidden secret, geodes are cracked open in a variety of ways, from chisel & hammer to sophisticated machines. Stark Caverns offers guests a hands-on experience to crack open their own geodes using the pipe cutter method. After purchasing a geode in the gift shop, visitors are able to proceed to the front porch cracking station where their guide will oversee the process.

Wearing protective goggles and gloves, guests place their geode inside a segment of chain which creates pressure points around the geode. Pressing the levers of the tool together splits the geode open, to create a one-of-a-kind souvenir. This DIY experience is a guest favorite at StarkCaverns and is available year-round.

Interested in learning more about geodes? Stark Caverns has additional materials on the subject, including books, lab kits, and an assortment of geodes to add to your collection. Learn more on your next visit to Stark Caverns or by visiting our website at


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